Having an issue with the builder? Check some of our frequently asked questions below.

When I try to drag a component into the callout block, it seems to pop out underneath.

To avoid this happening, make sure to drop your components above the last text block that displays 'Drop components above this ↑', you can delete this once you've finished your site.

Can I use a different starting template so I don't have to start from scratch every time?
  1. Click the Cog icon inside the '+ Create new page' button on the builder page.
  2. Make any changes under the template section.
  3. Make sure to keep the parent callout block that wraps the template.

Some components have dissapeared, how can I get them back?

You may have accidentally changed, moved or deleted some components by not duplicating and dragging. The only way to solve this issue is to duplicate the builder again.

The builder layout has changed and now it doesn't work.

You may have accidentally changed, moved or deleted the builder in some way. The only way to solve this issue is to duplicate the builder again.

The builder doesn't work as normal/is broken!

The only best to solve this issue is to duplicate the builder again.

My code snippets aren't working.

In the Code page of your Super site settings, make sure that the code snippets are included below your theme snippet.

I want to remove the page title and icon, how can I do this?

Head to the Snippets page and you'll find a bunch of code snippets that help you to customize your page further.

Can I change the colors on my site?

Yep! You can change colors right in Notion using text and background colors, for more customization, visit the color section on the Snippets page for specific code snippets that change the colors on your site.

How can I edit my page once I've moved it out of the builder?
  1. Copy and paste or move your page back into the Builder just below the '+ Create a new page' button
  2. Right click the page and choose Turn into: 'callout block'
  3. Add new or edit old components
  4. Proceed to save and move out your page again: "3. Saving a page"

How do the forms work on the form components?

The form components use Tally, sign up and replace the forms with your own. Please note: the forms will not have a gray background in your Super site once you apply a theme. Make sure to choose 'Transparent background' when embedding your form.